Welcome Home Geri!
This adorable 7-month-old ewe had a pretty rough start. Unfortunately, when Geri was a baby, her mother stepped on her back left leg. The injury severed her leg’s main blood supply and she slowly lost her limb. Though her injury healed nicely, she dealt with many other health issues along the way. However, Geri has proven to be a survivor.
Even though Geri has a disability, it doesn’t seem to stop her from wanting to live a full and happy life. Therefore, Geri’s owners contacted us after they saw Ollie’s story on our social media platforms. They hoped she would adapt well at SASHA, while being with other animals just like her. Though Geri is healthy, she has a lot of adjusting to do. We are aware that she may face obstacles, due to her injury. However, we are committed to providing her with the life she deserves and cannot wait to watch her thrive with her new family.
If you’d like to help cover some of Geri’s medical costs, we would appreciate it. You can donate right here. Want to sponsor our little Geri? Check out our sponsorship levels for details!